The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
— Thomas Edison



PLEASE schedule early. services may not be covered by insurance.

See important patient notes under each specialty.




Your provider would love to help you meet your weight loss / healthy body composition goals. We offer medication, healthy living counseling, and medically supervised progress tracking.





Appointments | Billed to insurance or self-pay

Medications | Cash pay by prescription

PATIENT NOTES | Due to the high demand for these services, patients should seek scheduling as early as possible. Patients generally receive care in our clinic every two weeks, alternating between appointments with a provider and a nurse for INBODY total body composition scans. Treatment relies on cooperation and compliance. Commitment to healthy eating and increased movement is essential.



NATURAL Reproductive Medicine to restore fertility

Bella is one of the United States’ premier NaPRO Technology centers. We are proud to offer natural reproductive medicine to women in Colorado, approaches that seek to fully restore and heal the causes of infertility, not simply band-aid them. A continuum of care, NaPRO’s most assertive option when treating infertility is minimally invasive Pelvioplasty robotic surgery.

Due to the high demand for NaPro Pelvioplasty, fertility patients should seek care as soon as possible, as available surgical dates can be a few months out. We appreciate the sensitive nature of this line of treatment and will do our best to get you in as soon as possible.

It is a good idea for women to begin charting their mensural cycles as soon as possible. We provide Creighton and Marquette education for interested patients even prior to the first appointment with a NaPRO surgeon or provider. This will allow you to begin collecting health history essential to care.


dr. kathleen sander, ob-gyn

Dr. Sander is one of only a handful of JPII Fellows from the Saint Paul VI Institute for surgical NaPro TECHNOLGIES in the United States. Under Dr. Sander’s guidance, Bella uses innovative science, including Pelvioplasty robotic surgery, to offer hope to women struggling with infertility.

Many fertility approaches are ineffective. NaPRO pelvioplasty robotic surgery restores the uterine wall to allow for optimized healing, enhancing the chances of fertility and decreasing pain.


PATIENT NOTES | NaPRO is the most specialized in natural reproductive medicine. Bella is fortunate to have some of the U.S.’s leading certified doctors and nurse practitioners on staff. Due to the high demand for this service, patients should seek scheduling as early as possible. Robot Pelvioplastic surgery availability can be as far out as three months.

Treatment relies on careful attention to menstrual cycle charting. Most providers require Fertility Cycle Charting, with education offered at Bella.

Surgeries will be scheduled in advance at Swedish Hospital (preferred) or Littleton Hospital.

Our surgery coordinator will be in touch to walk you through all the details of your procedure.

It may surprise you that due to our life-affirming position as a practice, ANY CHANCE OF CONCEPTION will cause a delay in surgery. Couples must follow the guidance of your physician related to abstaining from intercourse prior to surgery.

The pelvioplastic robotic technique carries a $3,150 procedural fee. This non-refundable fee will be collected at the time of scheduling. Surgery can only be rescheduled within Bella’s stated cancellation period as outlined in our surgery packet.



SIS is used to evaluate the uterus and the uterine (endometrial) cavity.

It is a procedure in which a physician injects sterile saline into the uterine cavity with ultrasound guidance. It allows your doctor to identify any abnormalities of the uterus, including congenital anomalies, scarring, endometrial polyps, and fibroids that might affect the chance of conception or healthy pregnancy.

SIS is performed on specific days in the menstrual cycle. Please call our office to schedule SIS on the first business day after your period begins.

Please arrive early for all ultrasound appointments. The nature of the exam requires careful coordination between the physician’s and the sonographer’s schedules. Delays could unfortunately disrupt treatment.

Please notify our staff is there is any doubt about the normalcy of your period so that a pregnancy test can be performed. We must be certain you are not already pregnant before doing an SIS.

SIS is a relatively non-invasive procedure, but patients may experience slight discomfort during or after the procedure. Ask your provider about mild pain relief medication options if you have any concerns following the procedure. They may even recommend taking a small dose of Tylenol or Advil one hour before your procedure if you’d feel more comfortable.

PATIENT NOTES | Among all appointment types at Bella, arriving on time for ultrasounds is the most important. Because a patient often has to change clothing into a provided robe, even short ultrasounds require the full amount of time allotted to care. Late arrivals are, unfortunately, rescheduled more frequently than other appointment types.

The coordination of physician and sonographer is also a unique challenge of SIS. Our OB-GYN doctors may be on call the day of your procedure. Should the provider be away attending a delivery, our team will communicate requests for flexibility as proactively as possible. We do appreciate your patience as we care for all those in need that day.

Insurance often covers this procedure. Deductibles will need to be met.



Follicle studies are a series of ultrasound scans used to aid in patient fertility therapies.

In follicle studies, ultrasound is used to determine more precisely when ovulation will occur during the course of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. When a couple knows when a woman is ovulating, they can time intercourse to maximize the chance of natural conception.

Follicle studies seek to identify when a woman’s follicle ruptures and releases an egg. Ovulation is detected when the follicle disappears from the imaging picture, or the follicle walls become collapsed or irregular.

Again, understanding the precise timing of ovulation will help couples conceive more quickly by helping them time intercourse. You’d be surprised how frequently couples fail to maximize this window. Please be sure to follow all of the instructions of our medical team related to timing intercourse during follicle study care.

Follicle studies are easy to perform, with each ultrasound session lasting only five to ten minutes. It is likely your provider will recommend at least a few ultrasound scans (up to six) in the course a single cycle.

Appointments are typically scheduled early in the morning, so that patients whose work schedules or other obligations can attend their appointments before beginning their days.


Scans are taken during a relatively short window of the menstrual cycle, generally over the course of seven to ten days (roughly between days nine and twenty of the menstrual cycle).

In addition to mapping follicle eruption, follicle studies can also determine when follicles fail to grow, rupture prematurely, and even when an egg implants into the lining of the womb.

Tracking both successes and challenges in conceiving will allow the patient and our medical team develop a highly personalized plan of care.

PATIENT NOTES | Among all appointment types at Bella, arriving on time for ultrasounds is the most important. Because a patient often has to change into a robe, even short ultrasounds require the full amount of time allotted to care. Late arrivals may unfortunately be rescheduled more frequently than other appointment types.

Insurance often covers this procedure. Deductibles will need to be met.


fertility ultrasound imaging

Advanced methods to take the guesswork out of fertility and conception for couples.

SIS | Uterine Health Evaluation

Follicle Studies | Ovulation Identification

Bella is proud to offer ultra high-tech imaging technologies in house to ensure our patients have access to the very best natural reproductive medicine in our own facilities.





Bella believes in integrating the body, mind, and soul in patient care. For those who have suffered from chronic illness and disease without any relief from “traditional” approaches, there is now Functional Medicine.

Bella is unique within the Functional Medicine world. As a comprehensive medical group, offering full primary care and obstetrics-gynecology, Functional Medicine patients at Bella may take advantage of insurance to cover part of their Functional Medicine care. (Note - insurance does not cover all costs associated with Functional Medicine.)



Led by IFM certified Functional Medicine physician Dr. Dani Urcuyo, Functional Medicine invites a time for hope for patients struggling with chronic pain and illness.


Before beginning Functional Medicine treatment at Bella, prospective patients will first meet with a member of the Bella health coaching team for a free consultation via telemed or over the phone, to determine whether or not they are a good candidate for the program. There is no charge for this visit.

The key ingredient to any successful partnership between provider and Functional Medicine patient is cooperation. The patient must be committed to follow through on all care plans. The provider must be committed to exhaustive research and medical evaluations to ensure no stone is left unturned. The goal is long-awaited relief from chronic illness, pain, and suffering.

Our health coach will walk you through what to expect, typical treatment cycles, typical methodologies, and associated costs so that you can make an informed decision before continuing in the program. The team will pre-collect out-of-pocket fees for the first visit during the pre-consultation.

CAUTION: Although our health coach is knowledgeable in Functional Medicine, there is no substitute for the medical expertise of the provider. Please do not ask for or anticipate receiving medical guidance on your specific ailments during the initial consultation. That would be considered “out of scope” and poor medical care. The initial consultation is a general overview only and a chance for our team to gauge the patient’s chances of success for this line of treatment. It’s about commitment and coach-ability.


functional medicine + primary care

Bella is the rare clinic to offer Functional Medicine and Primary Care Medicine.

Dr. Sarah Hodack, CMO, (pictured center) ensures our therapies are aligned across treatments.



Following the initial consultation, should a patient be eligible to continue in the program, the Bella health coach will recommend an elimination nutrition plan and symptom charting process.

This will allow your provider to immediately begin care based on observable evidence as early as the first appointment. For some, the elimination diet is so powerful, further treatment is unnecessary.

A first provider appointment can take between 2-4 months to get on the books, due to the overwhelming demand for this treatment. Please call early to ensure your treatment begins promptly.

The first appointment is extensive in length and physical examination. Labs, ANS testing, and complete medical histories are taken.

Most patients will be in our office between 2-3 hours for the first appointment. Not only will you receive a comprehensive physical exam and medical history take by our provider, you will have labs drawn and undergo ANS assessment (autonomic nervous system).

Bella schedules your first Function Medicine appointment on a Saturday to accommodate this timeframe. Our clinic is only open one Saturday a month, so please jump on first appointment availability.

YOU SHOULD FAST THE MORNING OF YOUR FIRST FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE VISIT so that our clinical team can draw a full lab panel. We reserve appointments to Saturday mornings only to ensure fasting is not too prohibitive.

Typically, two weeks after the first appointment, patients will return for a follow-up appointment. Lab results will be reviewed and an initial care plan finalized. These visits are typically 30-45 minutes in length and are usually scheduled Monday-Friday during regular business hours.

Patients may be asked to do additional therapies, either neurological or manual in nature, during early treatment.

Six weeks following the first follow up visit, patients will return again for another (likely third) visit. If the treatment plans seems to be working, a maintenance program will ensue with bi-annual follow ups.

If symptoms persist, more frequent appointments will be necessary, as continued evaluations and therapies are applied. Generally, Functional Medicine patients should expect to meet with their provider every six months at a minimum following development of the treatment plan to ensure its ongoing success in reducing or eliminating pain and discomfort.


PATIENT NOTES | The first Functional Med appointment with a provider (following the initial free consult with our health coach to ensure qualification for treatment).

This first appointment is approximately 90 minutes in length with the provider. In addition to time with the provider, comprehensive lab panels and an ANS diagnostic is completed, requiring another 30-60 minutes. Please schedule as quickly as possible to ensure timely initiation of care.

Bella is unique in the Functional Medicine world, as our position as a primary care practice allows us to bill at least some of the costs of Functional Medicine to insurance - but not all. (Most FM facilities are all out of pocket, in other words.)

Please read the following carefully to plan for payment for your care.

Insurance often either does not cover or only covers a small portion of this therapy. Patients should be prepared for out-of-pocket expenses.

Patients with Insurance = First visit incurs insurance co-pay or deductible & $977 out-of-pocket program investigation fee. Follow up appointments are billed to insurance.

Self-Pay Patients = First visit incurs $1175 out of pocket program investigation fee. Follow up appointments incur regular appointment costs.


Bella is a unique Functional Medicine provider, as we are able to bill insurance for some of your care. (Most Functional Medicine providers are not also primary care physicians.)

However, insurance carriers do not yet cover the full cost of this treatment.

Patients will therefore sign a financial agreement recognizing Functional Medicine treatment does come with additional out-of-pocket expenses.

First Appointment, Patients Covered by Insurance | Insurance + $977 (out of pocket)

First Appointment, Self-Pay or Share Plan Patients | $1177 (out of pocket)

After the first appointment, most visit costs fall under insurance or normal, self-pay fee schedules.

Patients should anticipate natural supplements to be recommended for better nutrition, as well as possible alternative therapies to optimize results.



Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

healthy aging therapies often begin at age 35 (pellets)

Congratulations! You’ve stumbled on one of Bella’s most popular, most effective special treatments. More than 600 patients, men and women, seek hormone replacement pellet therapy annually in our clinics.

If you’re experiencing unusual fatigue that you just can’t shake off, no matter how much you rest, thinning nails, loss of hair, low libido, inexplicable weight gain, irritability, or a whole host of other “blah” ailments and you’re 35-years-of-age, it’s quite possible your hormones are simply out of balance.

We can’t tell you how many patients have waited months, if not years, before finally allowing us to run a simple, but comprehensive diagnostic lab panel to identify precisely what is happening metabolically and physiologically.

Simply put, aging shouldn’t be completely thought a guessing game.

One of our greatest sadness as a medical team is watching patients beat themselves up, rather than allowing us to offer a medical perspective.

It seems we too often believe we’re simply not “cutting it,” that it’s a lack of character or strength when we start to struggle, rather than recognizing some changes might be beyond our control.

Bella believes there is dignity in every life stage. Culture’s fables about youth are just that, fables. The truth is, health is possible at every age. We are meant to feel whole.


dede chism, pnnp, Founder

Provider Dede Chism leads our wellness team in healthy aging and medical weight loss provider. She has been in high-risk medicine for 30 years.

Dede founded Bella to ensure no patient is left “to just figure it out” when it comes to health and wellness. The path to feeling whole is real, but intentional.

Bella believes in the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy, recognizing there is not a “one size fits all”.



Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a highly-researched and newly-identified therapy thought to be one of the most effective soldiers in the medical efforts of healthy aging.

It involves balancing a patient’s testosterone (both men and women) and estrogen (women) levels.

Usually, in just one therapeutic treatment, patients report discernable lifts in energy, mood, “glow,” and libido. Some patients require two to three cycles, but within a year - the difference is distinct.

After careful research, Bella has adopted the use bioidentical hormone pellets and oral lozengens. We have quite intentionally avoided any product that is synthetic. Some data has shown that synthetic hormones, while perhaps offering some short terms relief, may predispose a patient to illnesses or cancer later on.

Bella is a clinic that seeks the most natural approaches to care, medicine that works in cooperation with the body and acknowledges the brilliance of the human design.

first responders are EspecialLY VULNERABLE


Also of note is the increasing science behind the physical impact first responders experience in the high-stress, high-reward environment of heroism.

To put it plainly, we find our firefighters, police officers, EMTs, military personnel, and healthcare colleagues are some of our most changed, most improved Bioidentical Hormone Pellet patients.

The line of work demands not only physical, but emotional and spiritual investments. While we’ve yet to treat a first responder who regrets their service, they are increasingly acknowledging the toll of service on their overall wellbeing.

There’s a scientific reason for that. The adrenal system is stressed.

If you’re a civil servant, we’re a provider humbled to care for the front line. *Ask us about special discounts for first responders.

therapeutic administration

Hormone Pellets are administered in a patient’s hindquarters (or other, less muscled area).

WOMEN | Generally seek treatment every three to four months,

MEN | Generally seek treatment every five to six months.

In all patients, a local anesthetic is applied, and a very small incision made, to place the pellet sub-dermally.

PATIENT NOTES | We have invested in comprehensive, ongoing training of all Bella providers in this innovative, medical treatment. The demand for the service and the time-sensitivity of our patients means that the more access to care, the better.

To ensure optimal therapy, without interruption in care, please schedule your next treatment at the end of every appointment. But if you happen to miss scheduling, and you’re feeling concern “it’s time,” let our team know by calling 303.789.4968.

Insurance does not cover this innovative procedure.

Women will pay $399 per therapy.

Men $699 per therapy