what is the goal of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may offer relief for exhaustion, stress, foggy thinking, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and so much more.

Often, people with symptoms like these are suffering from hormonal imbalance. These ailments may be managed by getting to the root cause of these complex conditions and returning the patient to a state of hormone balance. BHRT may be a simple method for correcting these complex issues through hormone optimization.

tell me more about the science of biote?

Bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy is a personalized, natural approach to hormone replacement. It allows a patient’s body to absorb the right level of hormones at the right time, via a delivery method the body can process efficiently and that eliminates the potential for human error at the patient end.

how are bioidentical hormones delivered?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is administered through pellets. Pellets are small capsules, about the size of a grain of rice, that contain bioidentical hormones. A bioidentical hormone is the exact molecular structure of hormones the body produces naturally.

They are inserted under the skin, where the hormones enter the bloodstream as they dissolve over several months. Our studies show that patients may see the effects of hormone optimization four weeks after a pellet insertion.


Bioidentical hormone pellets are made from soy or the yam plant to create estradiol and/or testosterone molecules, unlike synthetic hormones, which are made from animal parts or urine and have a different molecular structure than what the body produces.



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