We know that we won’t be able to answer every question here, so don’t hesitate to email fertility@bellawellness.org with any additional questions!

Why should I take my NFP/FABM class at Bella?

At Bella Health+Wellness, we have instructors who are certified in multiple methods of NFP and we have many different learning options because we know that each woman and each couple are unique and there is not a one size fits all NFP method or class! We work with you to find the model and class that is going to best fit your needs and make sure that you feel comfortable and confident to achieve all your fertility related goals! We also work closely with our amazing team of doctors and nurse practitioners to help identify and work through chart abnormalities, sometimes even at the time of your appointment!

Should I take a group or individual class? In person or online?

We work hard to provide options that will work for each individual and/or couple! Really, there is no one class that is best! There is only what is right for you! If you have more health issues or history that you would like to be able to talk through, an individual class might be your best choice. If you have a tight work schedule and can’t take off work, one of our evening or weekend classes or our self-paced option will be able to fit right into your schedule! Individual follow-up is included for the group classes as well, so you will have opportunities to discuss personal questions with your instructor regardless of which option you choose.

What response time can I expect from my instructor?

We strive to respond to email questions within 2 business days. (Although we are often faster!)

Do I have to use the fertility monitor to use the Marquette Method?

No. The Marquette Method has effective instructions apart from using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, and you will learn these instructions in the class. The Marquette Method can be individualized to fit your lifestyle and your budget.

Which fertility monitors are used with the Marquette Method?

The effectiveness studies on the Marquette Method were conducted using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor (either analog or touchscreen model). This monitor detects estrogen and LH in the woman's urine sample to indicate fertility. Marquette Method instructors are trained on how to incorporate separate urine tests for LH and progesterone into NFP. We do know there are always new technologies coming out and we work hard to be up to date on new tools, but the research for Marquette Method was done specifically with the Clearblue Fertility Monitor.

What is NaPro technology and what does it have to do with Creighton Model of NFP?

NaPro Technology is a researched and published women’s health science based on the Creighton Model through cervical mucus observations, which provides objective information on the cycle. After using the Creighton Model to telegraph abnormalities, NaProTechnology treats problems cooperatively with the procreative and gynecologic systems while respecting the dignity of couples and women. Find out more on their website.

What is the difference between Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM)?

NFP and FABMs are very similar, in that they both use the observation of fertility bioindicators to identify when the fertile window occurs.

The difference between NFP and FABMs is that NFP requires abstinence during the fertile window, and FABMs allow the couple to utilize barrier methods (such as condoms) during the fertile window.

So what about barrier methods like condoms?

Contraceptive behaviors such as using barriers or withdrawal are not encouraged by our instructors as the effectiveness data behind our methods was not studied using those practices.