Our goal is for you to feel heard and completely secure

Bella exists to make every mother and child feel whole, safe, and utterly loved. Your health, your peace, your comfort, and your preferences are all so very important to us. We know what it’s like to be where you are, as we’re not just doctors and midwives, but mothers ourselves.
— Dr. Sarah Hodack, Bella CMO



Every birth experience deserves to be as special as the little one (or two!) you meet that day.

Every birth experience deserves to be as special as the little one (or two!) you meet that day.


welcome your child your way

At Bella, we understand the importance of the birth moment. Why? Because we’re not just doctors and midwifes - we’re mothers, too.

We listen to your preferences throughout your pregnancy. We also provide clear, transparent communication about the health of you and your baby so that you can make informed decisions along the way.


natural or medicated birth?

Every woman should create a birth plan that feels right for her. For some mothers, that means natural delivery; for others, the comfort of a medicated birth feels best. Both are good. There is no “one” right way. In fact, that’s part of the beauty of delivery.

At Bella, we celebrate and support your choices. While ensuring you receive sound medical advice and decisive action should emergent circumstances demand in the hospital, we are careful not to make you feel pressured. It’s our joy to enter into birth the experience you’ve planned.


you pick your birth experience

We delight in providing both natural and medicated birth experiences.


natural birth for higher risk mothers

We care for nearly 500 pregnant mothers every year, many of whom are higher risk. Not only will Bella take every precaution during your pregnancy to ensure the safety and well-being of you and your child, but when it comes time to deliver, we are with you every step of the way.

We understand that many higher risk moms would still like to experience as natural a delivery as possible. One of the blessings of a hospital setting is that our higher risk mothers can often do just that safely and successfully.


hospital or birth center?

bella chosen to deliver at swedish & littleton hospitals

You shouldn’t have to choose between the safety of a hospital or the comfort of a birth center. Our partner hospitals’ labor and delivery centers are welcoming places with dedicated, experienced staff, offering safety and peace in one place.

Both hospitals provide options important to our patients, including immersive labor tubs in some rooms, with the option for you to introduce calming lights, soothing music, aromatherapy, and other comforts into your environment.

The birthing teams dedicated to your needs. In fact, in many cases, our hospitals will even provide a doula, an experienced and loving birth coach, who will labor at your bedside, providing encouragement and guidance throughout your delivery, free of charge.

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hospital safety. intimate care.

Bella has informed the care at the hospital. The nurses there understand our life-affirming, dignified approach to care.

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Every little life utterly loved.

It is our privilege to journey with you during your pregnancy and to celebrate the life of your newborn child.